Thursday, August 5, 2010

One Vote For World Equality - facebook post and comments

Peter Hutton Hi Andrea, thanks for the video, but the problem in the world isn't money and how it is distributed, that's a biproduct of an underlying foundation and premise most humans share. The way out is consciousness, awareness, and realizing is creating their own reality. The guy talking seems very passionate and I don't doubt his good intentions, but he is misguided all the same, and what I picked up on was a sense of powerlessness, his own and his projection onto others of their powerlessness. Are people powerless to change their lives? Possibly. But equally possible is they do have the power to change their life, they just don't know it or don't want to know it. I care about the poor. But I'd rather show them how to fish then give them fish if you know what i mean.

Maya Harel Peter, The solution that you suggested isn't standing through the test of time. Everyone is responsible for our reality Equally as one and this is why this physical reality exists as it does today where half of this world live in less the 2...$ a day, where children starve to death every few minutes and a women get raped every 3 second. We are responsible for it as well as all as equal.

What exists is the Law of Balance which means that when you create the good in your world, the bad must get balance somewhere! and it does. just open your eyes

Equal Money System is a temporary solution to the main goal - all Equal and One as Self realization, Here in this physical Reality.
To do that, All people must have the basic right as life - Food, Shelter, Education.
When those will be establish - people would have 'Time' to focus on them self, and realize themselves with Self Forgiveness, Self Honesty, Self corrective application and common sense.

The current problem in this world is Money - no matter how you'll look at it.Money became our 'God'. Equal money system will change the value of Money to Value of LIFE.

Now, i suggest you to hear unconditionally other people instead of project onto them your own interpretation of your Mind.
Turn it back to self and check for yourself who is really "powerless"

Half of this world don't have the power to change their life. they need money to do that - the need food to support their physical body. it's not that they don't know how - they just can't.

Now, when saying you care for the poor - OMG. are you really caring for the poor? becuase within your words, it doesn't seem that way - all you care about is YOU, from the starting point of self interest, not considering all as one as equal. not living as the principle of equality but as personality.

We are all living in this ONE physical reality, and we are all Responsibile for everything that exists.
Stop blinding your eyes and realize that as long as people are suffering, we all as one are suffering.
Until we stop.

So unless you have any other practical solution that will be effectively changing this world, i suggest to learn more about Equal money system, and check out Desteni Massage where you'll see for yourself the extant of what does it means Equal responsibility.

Matti Freeman yea, I know what you mean - you'd rather bring a child into a world where they have to earn the ability to even sustain themselves at a basic level through spending years proving to the system that they are valuable enough to the system to ...not be spit out

in an equal money system - what is proposed is a common sense system of support for life where from birth - you have value and never lose that value and thus are never SPIT OUT by the system because you are life and you have value.

Where you are given the tools to develop into a functionally effective participant on earth who can focus on developing and flourishing in expression and practical living to support your fellow man and to do your part to support the equality system that supports you so you can live the rest of your life in exploration and enjoyment of who you are as life instead of being trapped in a lifelong work schedule merely staying occupied with mental fantasy lands in lifestyles that are bought within consumerism and based on self definitions you have developed through being taught how to exist as a consumer from birth by parents / teachers / media / religion as in the current system -- where you then use sentiment and feelings to justify allowing starvation and poverty, deluded into believing that millions of starving people with no money and no access to any support structure simply has the magical ability to effectively support themselves -- so that you can feel okay going about your life of self interest until death

you've been misguided by the pictures / sentiments / feelings of religion and spirituality to support consumerism, separation and inequality through occupying yourself in your mind as an alternate self-interested 'reality' shaped by beliefs and opinions, where you value your mental / feeling / emotional sentiment and philosophy rather than actually valuing all life as principle and supporting that value to be honored in all ways at all levels as actual care

I suggest, do extensive research on all videos / articles produced thus far on the Equal Money system and consider that the support of life will not happen if the system does not function according to principle - principle that always equate what is best for all and never gives priority to opinion / belief / sentiment as in the current system